Although I served cocktails at the bachelorette party I hosted last month, I always make sure to have a variety of non-alcoholic options on hand for guests to enjoy as well. As I kicked around a few non-alcoholic bachelorette party drink ideas in my head, I heard from my friends over at Good Earth Tea that they’d like to send over a box of samples for the party. A lightbulb went off in my head: I could have a “Tea Bar” at the party!
Party Idea: Create Your Own Tea Bar

To make my tea bar, I printed a little menu sign and placed it on the buffet table along with 5 boxes of tea: Superfruit Green Tea Pomegranate & Cherry, Sweetly Twisted, Caffeine-Free Sweet & Spicy, Cocoa Tango, and Chai Tea Cocoa.

Because it was such a hot day, we thought it would be really refreshing to serve the tea iced. Since I had such a variety of teas, this posed a slight logistical problem for me since I didn’t have 5 pitchers available. Here’s the solution I came up with: I decided to pre-make one pitcher of iced tea ahead of time, and then, when guests wanted to try a different variety, I could just brew a single cup and pour it over ice, adding a little cold water as needed.

I asked the bride which of the varieties she’d like to start with, and she thought a pitcher of the Sweet & Spicy sounded really good! She was excited when she saw all the Good Earth teas on the table – as it turns out, Good Earth Tea is actually one of her favorites to buy for herself, so it all worked out pretty perfectly!

To create the pitcher of tea, I brought water to a boil in a small pot over the stove, tied together 4 teabags and dunked them in the water to brew for a few minutes. Taking the pot off the heat, I allowed the tea to cool, then poured it into the pitcher. I kept the pitcher in the fridge until about an hour before the party when I started setting out food. I had a chest for ice underneath the buffet table, so I could easily prepare a nice cold glass of tea for the guests!
After the party, I left the remaining boxes of tea with the bride – she was excited to have these because she drinks a lot of tea at work! Having a tea bar at the party was easy to do, really fun and added good variety to the beverages we had available.