Today I want to show you how to make favor bags! This is what I did for for Jaime’s bachelorette party – they turned out cute and simple, using mostly supplies from Dollar Tree. If you’re having a hard time finding the right thing for your party, perhaps this will provide some inspiration.

The favors consisted of the simple DIY tea bag craft I showed you yesterday, along with a glowstick bracelet. I found a package of 15 for $1, and since the plan was to go ’80s dancing after the bachelorette, I thought this would fit with the theme and be a fun item to wear clubbing. We were actually having so much fun at the party that we never even left to go to the club, but it was still a fun favor! 😉

I picked up 2 packages of pink paper bags at Dollar Tree, and printed little cards commemorating the occasion and date, which I taped to the front of each bag.

I also printed out one of the couple’s engagement photos and taped it to the back of the bags to seal them shut.

I then printed out a sign reading “Favor Bags – please take one!” and arranged them on a table at the party.

If you’ve ever thrown a bachelorette party, I’d love to know what you did for favors!