Kicking Off Blog My Wedding: Welcome to Our Classy Bachelorette Party Ideas How-To Guide!

Classy Bachelorette Party Ideas

Welcome to the official launch of Blog My Wedding! We are excited to kick off this month with our Classy Bachelorette Party Ideas How-To Guide, where we will be sharing everything you need to know about hosting a fun and tasteful bachelorette! The inspiration for this came last year, when I hosted a bachelorette party for one of my best friends. When I was planning her party, I noticed that pretty much all the ideas I found revolved around Chippendale’s dancers, party games involving embarrassing questions, or cakes in the shape of male anatomy. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that type of theme for a party, it just wasn’t our style!

Since I couldn’t find any ideas I liked, I just came up with my own: I created an article over on Contest corner titled “DIY Bachelorette Party Crafts: How to Throw a Fun & Classy Party!”, which has become the third most popular feature on that site since I wrote it. Clearly, there are a ton of other people looking for G-rated bachelorette ideas, too!

This month, I have the privilege of hosting a bachelorette party for my soon-to-be-sister-in-law, so I wanted to document everything I put together for the party to help out other people looking for tasteful party ideas! Through the month of August, we’ll be sharing how-tos and ideas for everything bachelorette, including:

  • Classy party decorations
  • Party favors & games
  • DIY/crafts
  • Creating a homemade photo booth
  • How to choose wines & spirits
  • Planning the menu

And so much more! If you’re planning a bachelorette party, you won’t want to miss it. All of the posts will be published under the “Classy Bachelorette Party Ideas” category of this site, so you may want to bookmark that now so you can check back through the month for inspiration!

Have you ever hosted a bachelorette party? What would you like to see ideas for?

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Beeb Ashcroft

Owner & editor
As a bride-to-be and blogger, I'm sharing all my inspiration as I Blog My Wedding! From frugal wedding tips and DIY bridal crafts to classy bachelorette party ideas, you'll find nothing but the most "Engaging" reviews here!

151 thoughts on “Kicking Off Blog My Wedding: Welcome to Our Classy Bachelorette Party Ideas How-To Guide!

  1. I am glad you are keeping it classy. I am at a loss for ideas because it has been so long since i was invited to a party.

  2. I actually cringe when I see bachelorette parties come strolling down the street. I think a beach weekend or a spa day is so much nicer, and way classier.

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