The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
At some point during your wedding planning process, you’ll most likely create a few registries. Even if you don’t think about it initially, you’ll probably end up getting requests from friends and family for a list – I know that when I’m invited to a wedding, the first thing I do is look for their registries, so I can make sure that I don’t pick out a gift they already have. It’s also handy living in a small town with limited shopping options, since I can order online with a registry!

If you’re wondering where to register at for your own wedding, you’ll be interested to know that Best Buy launched its new Wedding Registry this month. It makes a lot of sense: These days, half of a household seems to be electronic, and items like computers are considered to be just as much of a necessity as a couch nowadays. And of course, Best Buy also sells more “Traditional” registry items, like vacuums, trash cans, and even pots and pans!

Here’s how it works: When a friend or relative picks out an item from your registry, they’ll get free shipping with no minimum purchase – which is great, because they can pick out any item, small or big from your list without having to worry about paying extra for it to be delivered. There’s also the intriguing “Group Gifting” feature for larger items over $200, where guests can choose the amount they want to pitch in for it, which you will receive as an e-gift card to use towards the item you need. I’ve coordinated with family when giving gifts for weddings before and it can be fun if everyone’s wondering what they should get!

With Best Buy’s Wedding Registry, you can get items that you need and will fit your life as a modern couple. How about a camera to use on your honeymoon to send photos to your family, or a grill to entertain with when you have guests over in your new home? The sky’s the limit as you embark on the adventure of marriage together!
For more information and to create your registry, be sure to visit BestBuy.com.
Will you be creating a registry at Best Buy?